CMC Support and Training Options

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CMC Support and Training Options

  1. Technical Support (ServiceDesk)
    1. Incident submissions
      1. Phone: (800) 483-9106  8AM – 8PM ET Monday – Friday (excluding public holidays)
      2. Websitehttps://support.campusmgmt.com
      3. Emailsupport@campusmgmt.com
    2. Additional news and information is available on the website as well
    3. To escalate an Incident if needed, see attached contact info for the Client Services Management team
    4. Direct number to Answering Service
      1. Only used for premium customers with after hours production emergencies 
      2. Phone: (561) 982-3794  8PM – 8AM ET
  2. Annual Users Conference
    1. www.campusinsight.com
    2. April in Orlando, FL
    3. Each school receives a number of free conference passes and Training Keys if you have them
    4. Customers may sign up for support consultations prior to their arrival at CampusInsight
  3. The Learning Center
    1. www.mycampusinsight.com
    2. All of our Learning Center courses are now free, and can be sorted by Level or Track
  4. Users Group
    1. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1790768
    2. We established this a User Group on LinkedIn to foster the collaboration and information exchange among our customers
  5. Campus Management Community
    1. http://community.campusmgmt.com/
    2. Blogs and Forums

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