Housing New / Re-admit Students - WORKFLOW

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Housing New / Re-admit Students - WORKFLOW

Step-by-step guide

To Do:

  • Talk to Nick about Admissions process/Train
  • Talk to Allen about Registration process/Train
  • Review process with Reg office, Admissions, OSD
    • Make recommended changes
    • Final approval
  • Talk to Bonnie about Housing wizard process/Train
  • How do we catch this who withdrawal for meal?
  • Do we need to track meal plans via student services?
  • Roommate matching: What about auto matching and only processing by hand the exceptions
    • Poor reference, grades, personality issues ,etc...
  • Design
  • Test, Test, Test…

  1. Student becomes Enrolled (done before we reg for class)
    1. AD - Activity Manual - Request Housing Form email sent  :: CAN WE AUTOMATE - http://www.bbc.edu/getinfo/
    2. Activity Auto on housing form activity - Required Academic Records document “Housing and Meal Plan Request” is added to document tracking 
    3. Commuter done by Admissions as well with special
  2. AD - Form is returned
    1. Doc tracking
      1. Mark received
      2. Attach form email as PDF to Doc tracking
      3. Notify OSD
        1. Activity Auto - OSD notified form is on hand? Contact Manager or Email?
        2. Email the PDF form or OSD
        3. Wufoo submission notification to Admissions and OSD - remove all other notifications
    2. Add Housing Lease (Admissions - Enrollment)
      1. No charges
        1. No housing - REG add class
        2. Room mate match not run - BO
  3. Reg for class
    1. Add to Meal plan student group for term (14 or 21) :: Future Process for BO - Daily > Student Services > Services > Meal plan
      1. Does it go as pending or posted to ledger 
      2. Attach to the lease?
    2. SQL Dynamic code for meal plans
      1. Filter for meal plan
        1. School defined fields (14,21)
        2. Enrolled for classes
        3. Current term registration
        4. Meal plan not yet processed
          1. Pending/Psted charge from ledger?
          2. Actual reference in Services table?
  4. Student Accounts process housing
    1. will run the housing wizard once a week to push the housing charge
    2. FYI no chargers unless has tuition
  5. Exceptions
    1. Meal plan removes only by BO
    2. Meal plan changes at BO
    3. Online/Commuter to Campus student