Paypal Report

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Paypal Report

The purpose of running the paypal report is to confirm that each day's incoming credit card payments from Paypal match the dollar amounts recorded in Campus Vue and tie to the net balance deposited to BBC from Paypal.

  1. Log into www.paypal.com
  2. Under the "Account" tab, go to History – Download History.
  3. Enter the previous day's date in the "From" and "To" fields under "Custom Date Range" (If today is a Monday, enter the dates for Friday – Sunday).
  4. Select "Comma Delimited – All Activity" in the "Files Types for Download" dropdown.
  5. Click the "Include Shopping Cart details" box.
  6. Click the "Download History" button.
  7. Click "Continue."
  8. Go back to History – Download History, then click "Recently Downloaded Logs"
  9. Click the bubble for your recent download history
  10. Click "Download Log."
  11. Save the Excel document to the Paypal folder on the shared drive.

Paypal Report - Excel

    1. In Excel, delete the "Subject" column G, and columns "Note – Address Status" J-Q.
    2. The first row should be "Withdraw Funds to Bank Account" under the column headings. If it's not, cut the rows above "Withdraw Funds to Bank Account" and paste them to a new workbook. Save it for the following day's report.
    3. If you're running the weekend report, you'll need to separate the days by date and copy and paste the column headings.
    4. Shopping cart items will have 2 rows. Make sure the name is the same on each row. The row with no fee will have an item title to help you determine what the payment was for. If the item title doesn't help you, contact Laura Moore. Enter an item title into the row that does have a fee, then delete the one without a fee.
    5. Remove all rows with a "cancelled fee," "uncleared," or "Pending" status.
    6. Enter an item title for any refunds.
    7. Enter an item title for all Virtual Terminal transaction types (these were manually entered by you). If you don't remember what it was for, log into http://manager.paypal.com, search for the transaction and check your comments.
    8. "Website Payment Pro API Solution" should all be student payments posted directly to Campus Vue. Enter all other payments into Campus Vue Misc. Receipts. NOTE: Any refunds will need to be negative. Use Paypal as the bank, Mastercard as the card type, and xxx as the Auth.#.
    9. Copy the Excel row for each shopping cart/other payments for misc. events, etc. and paste them to a new workbook. Save the sheet to that event/item's folder on the shared drive. Later you will email the sheet to the person responsible for tracking the payments (see below).
    10. If you have any items for Development, print the Excel sheet for those items, fill out a Development Income Receipt, and put it in the blue Development folder.
    11. Change the dollar amount fields for transaction rows to number format, 2 decimals, negatives with parentheses.
    12. Auto sum these fields. The total net balance should match the gross Withdraw Funds to Bank Account amount.
    13. Change the sums row and the Withdraw Funds to Account row to currency format with $ symbol, 2 decimals, negatives with parentheses. Bold and double-underline the sums row.
    14. From Campus Vue Daily – Student Accounts, run the bank deposit report (use Paypal as the bank) and the date for the report you're working on.
    15. The total amount should match the gross total on your excel sheet. If it does not, check to see if you missed any entries in Campus Vue. If you're off by multiples of $40, check Campus View for deposits that need posting. Then re-run the bank deposit report.

Posting Campus Vue Application Deposits

        1. Campus Vue: Daily – Student Accounts – Post Deposits. Go back a few weeks for the date range.
        2. When the deposits appear, check the names. If there are more names than are on your report, click Print, and save the printout for use another day. If the name is missing, contact Margaret Pisanchyn for Seminary deposits, or Jenny Johnson for undergrad and grad deposits.
        3. Click "Accept All" then "Save." DON'T CLOSE THE WINDOW in CampusVue
        4. Go to each name listed and make sure the payment is entered on the ledger with the date matching your Paypal report. Change the date as necessary.
        5. Enter a corresponding application fee charge of $40 for each student. The date and term should match the payment.

    1. Make sure the total on the bank deposit report matches the gross total on the Excel sheet. Print the Bank Deposit Report.
    2. Highlight the populated cells through "Item Title" in Excel. Change the form page layout to landscape, set the print area, and print.
    3. In Campus Vue, click "Next" on the Bank Deposit screen, then "Finish."
    4. Paperclip the Bank Deposit report to the Excel printout and put it on the Director of Accounting's credenza.
    5. Email the saved excel sheet to the appropriate contact person (see below) for all payments except student payments, application fees, development items, or other payments in which the party responsible may already be aware of the payment.

Contact Persons



Alumni Events

Michelle Hammaker

Athletic Camps/Events

Emily Sawyer

Campus Wear

Kris Schill

Commons – Guest Housing

Kati Raven

College Days

Kris Schill

Development/Donations/Golf Events

Tammy Scarfo

Diploma reprints

Karen Kirby

Feed the Fire

Michelle Hammaker

Global Ministry Conference

Johan (Chris) Welman

Graduates Reception

Coriann Woompath


Michelle Hammaker


Kris Schill

Journal of Ministry and Theology (JMAT)

Gary Compton


Michelle Hammaker

LYFE Conference

Kris Schill

Men's Conference

Kati Raven

Ministers Enrichment Day

Margaret Pisanchyn

Music Concerts/Music Events

Beth McGrew

OSD "Welcome" Events

Kati Raven


Michelle Hammaker

Red Eye

Kris Schill

Spring Banquet

Kati Raven

Teen Leadership Conference (TLC)

Michelle Hammaker


Karen Kirby

Vehicle Registrations

Summer Kinder

Volunteers Week

Kathy Steenback