Cash Drawer_Check Cashing

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Cash Drawer_Check Cashing

Remove the cash drawer from the safe every morning and put it in the drawer. The cash drawer should start with $800 in it every morning.

  • The check cashing limit is $60. Occasionally an employee with a BBC check (especially dorm checks) will need to cash a check over $60. Be sure to check the name and date of the check before cashing it. Enter your initials and a checkmark on the check after cashing it. It is up to the AR clerk if they feel comfortable allowing the AP clerk or administrative assistant to cash checks in their absence.
  • Occasionally an employee may need to cash a BBC check over $60 (especially dorm checks). This is ok.
  • Students may ask to cash only part of a check and put the rest on their school bill. Enter the payment amount into Campus Vue accordingly and cash the rest. Be sure to keep track of how much was actually cashed for end-of-day balancing.
  • Be sure to keep all cashed checks together in order to record them during end-of-day balancing