Title IV Refunds (R2T4) _ Withdrawals
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Title IV Refunds (R2T4) _ Withdrawals
When a Title IV aid recipient is considered to have withdrawn from school according to the federal definition of "failed to complete all the courses they were scheduled to complete" the financial aid office will calculate both the amount of financial aid (federal, state, and institutional) to be returned and the amount of tuition and fees to be refunded. An email will be received from Financial Aid with the required financial aid and charges adjustments. Financial Aid should notify you if they calculated the R2T4 in Campus Vue or if they did it manually.
R2T4's completed in the Campus Vue Refund Calculation Wizard
- Find the student in Campus Vue, then from the Student Accounts menu, click Refund Calculation.
- Find the refund calculation in the list, click "Edit," then click "Post."
- From the Daily Menu in Campus Vue, go to Student Accounts, Process Refunds/Stipends.
- Choose Refunds, Checks, Retrieve all Records, and select "No" to print checks.
- Click Next, Choose Wayne Bank and use today's date as the transaction date.
- Select refunds you wish to post, be sure the amounts match what financial aid has said, and click "Finish."
- For institutional aid, you'll need to void the grant or scholarship off the ledger entirely. Once voided, contact the financial aid office and have then reschedule the new amount and create a batch. The Director of Student Accounts will post the batch.
- For state aid, the financial aid office will need to complete a Request for Payment and turn it into the Director of Student Accounts so that a check can be sent to the state and the refund can be entered on the student's ledger.
- Check the student's ledger to be sure the refunds posted correctly.
R2T4's calculated manually
- For tuition and fees, enter the adjustments on the ledger exactly as stated in the email. The only exception will be Bible Study Fees. Contact the Academics Office to ask whether the student will be keeping the Logos software. If so, no adjustment is necessary. If they will not be keeping it, enter a negative charge for the entire amount of the Bible Study Fee charge.
- For institutional aid, you'll need to void the grant or scholarship off the ledger entirely. Once voided, contact the financial aid office and have then reschedule the new amount and create a batch. The Director of Student Accounts will post the batch.
- For state aid, the financial aid office will need to complete a Request for Payment and turn it into the Director of Student Accounts so that a check can be sent to the state and the refund can be entered on the student's ledger.
- For federal grants and loans, follow these steps:
Returning Title IV Aid
- Enter the refund on the student's ledger by clicking "Post Refunds."
- Select the correct payment fund source by award year.
- Select the "Post Directly to Ledger."
- Enter Wayne Bank as the bank account.
- Enter the amount, the date, the appropriate disbursement corresponding to the student's financial aid screen, and the term.
- Save. A COD adjustment will be automatically created for Pell Grants returned.
- Log in at www.g5.gov.
- Go to "Payments," then "Refunds Creation."
- Click Continue.
- Find the fund source for which you need to return funds (make sure to you're on the correct year). Enter the dollar amount requested from Financial Aid.
- Click Continue.
- Double check the amount, then "Submit." DO NOT CLICK DONE.
- Print the confirmation page to PDF and save in the appropriate financial aid folder on the shared drive. Then click "Done."
- Save the confirmation email sent by G5 in an Outlook folder.