Information Technology Details

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Information Technology Details

The IT Department at Clarks Summit University is responsible for the computer and network systems on campus. We provide students with wireless access to our internet connection, which can operates at up to 2000 Mbps (2Gbps). If, at any point, you have a question that we have not addressed, please use our self-service site or email helpdesk@ClarksSummitU.edu. We will be happy to help.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the acceptable use of the internet?

To understand Clarks Summit University expectations, check out the Acceptable Network Usage Policy.

My Computer

What are the Operating System requirements?

No special operating system is required. We do, however, recommend the use of Microsoft Windows 11 or newer or Apple OS X (latest version).

Please note that server systems are not permitted with any Operating System. This includes but is not limited to all versions and components of Windows Server, Windows Small Business Server, OS X Server, Linux servers, “*NIX” servers, BSD, Mac OS Server, and all others. If you are unsure, please contact the Helpdesk.

What are the software requirements?

No special software is required. The IT Department suggests, but does not endorse, the following software applications. All of the following products are free unless otherwise noted.


Anti-virus software is essential to prevent computer infections and stop the spread of malicious software across the network. Much like vaccinations, your antivirus software protects you and others from threats and requires very little effort. If you do not already have antivirus software installed, please check out these products, Antivirus / Malware Options.

Office Suites

Most office suites are “cross-platform,” meaning that they can be installed and used on any operating system.

CSU provides Microsoft Office to all of our students at no cost. Just log in using your email address at the Office 365 portal, and download the installer.

I want to buy a new computer for school. What do you recommend?

This decision is completely up to you and what you are most comfortable with using; however, most students will find that a laptop is more convenient than most other types (including desktops and tablets). This allows a “full featured” computer experience while still providing the portability to work around campus in the library, Underground Café and other locations outside of the residence hall room.

Clarks Summit University has chosen to use a variety of computers and solutions from both Dell, HP, and Lenovo. These are reliable and well-established manufacturers with a reputation for quality products and reasonable prices. We recommend the purchase of a three or four year warranty with any new or refurbished computer (when possible).

Do you provide support for student computers?

At this time, we do not provide technical support for student computers. Our Helpdesk technicians may offer informal suggestions, but they are not authorized to provide technical assistance to students.

Is it possible to purchase discounted software?

After enrolling, you will be eligible to receive student discounts on software through https://www.journeyed.com/select. After selecting Clarks Summit University from the school list, do not click “GO.” You will automatically be sent to the site.

Technology In Residence Halls

What do I need to get on the internet from my dorm room?

A Wireless Network Connection. While on the grounds, you will have access to a campus-wide wireless network—a wireless network card is essential. Nearly all portable electronics—such as laptops, tablets and “smart” devices—already have wireless capability, so nothing further is required. Traditional desktop computers and very old laptops may not have this ability “built-in,” but a wireless card can be purchased at many major retailers or electronics stores.

How do I connect to the internet once I am on campus?

Connecting to the network is as simple as connecting to the wireless network labeled “CSU.” Follow the authentication information on the screen and for students login with your student email address. Employees should user their employee username (e.g. jdoe) and email password. “Campus” can be used as well, but it is primarily designed for guest access and thus is not given as much bandwidth as the CSU wireless, nor does it provide as much security as the CSU connetion.

CSU does not provide non-wireless connections for your devices. So please be sure all of your devices support wireless networking. For the best experience be sure they are 802.1x or WPA Enterprise compatible.

Do I have wireless access?

While on the grounds, you will have access to a campus-wide wireless network. This covers all buildings, the quad, the soccor field, the patio, and out to the guard shack.

Can I bring my landline phone?

With the overwhelming number of students who carry cell phones and the dramatic shift away from the use of residence hall phones, we no longer provide students with an active phone jack to be used with their own landline phone.

Online Services

When do I get my Clarks Summit University email address?

Students are issued a university email address shortly after they enroll in classes. This email address is given to you after you pay your deposit and registered for class at CSU. When the address is generated, an email will be sent to you via the email address you used when you enrolled at Clarks Summit University. The email address will be in the format of your first name dot your last name at my.ClarksSummitU.edu (for example: john.smith@my.ClarksSummitU.edu).

Can I use a personal email address instead of my new Clarks Summit University email address?

In order to ensure that we have the proper address for each student, we require the use of the university email address for all official communication. These accounts use the well-known Microsoft Office 365 platform.

What happens if I lose my email password?

Not a problem. Simply visit our support site for self-help, or email helpdesk@clarkssummitu.edu, and we will be happy to assist you.

Who do I contact if I have a problem with the portal?

If you lose your portal password, you can request that it be reset online. This will send an email to your university email address. If you need further assistance, you can use our self-service site or email helpdesk@ClarksSummitU.edu.

Who do I contact if I have a problem with Schoology?

For Schoology issues, you can email us for support

Student ID Cards

What happens if I lose or break my student ID card?

Student ID cards are used to gain access to the cafeteria. It is very important that every student carry his or her card with him or her at all times. If the card is lost or broken, the student must immediately report it to OSD and request a new one. A fee of $20 will be required when the card is requested. This fee covers the material costs of the card only.

My card is still intact but it won’t scan. What is wrong?

Even if a card is still in one piece, the proximity band inside the card may be damaged. Once this band is damaged, the card needs to be replaced. This damage can come from flexing the card.

Can I borrow my friend’s ID card if mine is broken?

No. Each card is uniquely tied to the individual it represents. Borrowing someone else’s card may appear to work, but it will cause problems for you and your friend in our system.

Do we get a new ID card every year?

No. Because of the cost of these proximity cards, we only issue a card to a student when they first start attending. This card is theirs to safeguard as long as they attend Clarks Summit University.

Other Questions

What if I have more questions?

If you need more personalized assistance, please use our self-service site or email helpdesk@ClarksSummitU.edu. We are here to help.

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