View or Add Room Calenders (Resources)

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View or Add Room Calenders (Resources)

This article explains the process for adding a room resource calendar to your Outlook profile.

Adding Room Calendars to Outlook

  1. Click on the Calendar Pane button (lower left hand side)
  2. In the Menu Bar click
    1. File
    2. Open
    3. Other Users Folder
  3. In the Name field type "Room"
  4. Every available room is listed. Select the one you need added and click OK
  5. Calendar added. Repeat as needed.

Adding Room Calendars to Outlook Web Access (OWA)

  1. In an internet browser go to https://outlook.clarkssummitu.edu and login
  2. Click on the Calendar Pane button (lower left hand side)
  3. In the Menu Bar Click
    1. The drop down arrow for Add Calendar
    2. Select From Directory
  4. In the Name field type "Room"
  5. Every available room is listed. Select the one you need added and click OK
  6. Calendar added. Repeat as needed.