Change color printing defaults

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Change color printing defaults

CSU printing in color is limited to a number of user in the department that manages the color printing device. To print in color you may need to ask this person to print your document.

Default printing is also set to black and white as the default setting. This adverts accidental color printing. To change this one must change the 1 of 3 settings.

Default Printing in Color Options

Per Print Job

The printing application (e.g. Word, Firefox, PDF, etc…) must be manually adjusted to print in color. This is a change that is set either per application of documented printed. Printing options may vary per application. When printing review the applications print settings to change the color output setting.

Per Printer

Each printing device has a set of User and Device defaults that may need to be adjust. These should set your color choice as the default. Users may not be able to change the Device default, but the User default should be adjustable.

Changing the Default Printer Color Setting

User Default

A per computer setting. User changeable.

  1. From the Start Menu open "Printers and Scanners"

  2. Select the device, press the "Open Queue" button

  3. In the Queue Window press Printer > Printing Preferences > Color tab

  4. Confirm in Color Options that the "Print in Grayscale" is not checked.

  5. The sample document in the window will go from gray to colorized.

  6. Press ok. Setting will save for this device.

Device (printer) Default

A per device setting. IT Admin changeable only.

  1. From the Start Menu open "Printers and Scanners"

  2. Select the device, press the "Open Queue" button

  3. In the Queue Window press Printer > Properties > Advanced tab

  4. Press the "Printing Defaults..."

  5. Confirm in Color Options that the "Print in Grayscale" is not checked.

  6. The sample document in the window will go from gray to colorized.

  7. Press ok. Setting will save for this device as the default.

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