Windows RemoteApps and Desktop Connections

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Windows RemoteApps and Desktop Connections


  • Launch remote sessions from Windows

  • Remote connection changes will auto refresh

Setting up a new connection:

  1. Open RemoteApp and Desktop Connections in Control Panel, either by opening Control Panel, or by using Windows Search.

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  2. Click Access RemoteApp and Desktops. This will start the new connection wizard.

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  3. Enter the URL of the connection, https://remote.clarkssummitu.edu

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    Note: RemoteApp and Desktop Connections uses HTTPS to connect to the server. In order to connect properly, the client operating system must trust the SSL certificate of the RD Web Access server. Also, the server name in the URL must match the one in the server’s SSL certificate.

  4. Click Next .


  5. Click Next . The RemoteApp and Desktop Connections client software will now contact the RD Web Access server to set up the connection. You will be prompted to authenticate to the web server.


  6. Enter your credentials. Now the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections client software will finish setting up the connection.

    In a moment, the process will complete, and you will see a wizard page that summarizes the results.


  7. Click Finish. Now the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections Control Panel will show your newly created connection:


You can return to this summary page anytime you need to manage your connections. The Start menu will now contain the Work Resources (RADC) folder for the connections you are authorized for. The image below may more options than you have access too:

You can also access these programs by using Windows Search:


Content was sourced from Microsoft’s Tech Community.

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