Verify your Student Portal information

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Verify your Student Portal information

Access the Student Portal

  1. Navigate to the Student Portal website at https://portal.clarkssummitu.edu.
  2. Click Student Portal Homepage.
  3. Login with your Student Portal credentials.

    Forgotten Password

    If you have forgotten your password, you can find instructions to reset it here: Change your Student Portal Passcode

Verify your account information

  1. Click My Profile in the left sidebar.
  2. Click My Information.
  3. Verify your information in the first three tabs (Personal, Addresses, and SMS).
  4. If something is incorrect:
    1. Click Request Change at the bottom right of the page.
    2. Identify the error and supply the correct information.
    3. Click Submit.

Verify your expected graduation date

  1. Click Degree Audit in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
  2. Scroll down to the Program Details section.
  3. Verify your Expected Graduation Date.

    This is listed as Exp. Grad Date and found in the middle of the right column.

  4. If the date is wrong:
    1. Email the Registrar: registrar@clarkssummitu.edu
    2. Include:
      1. Your full legal name
      2. Your Student ID
      3. The correct date