Change your Student Portal Passcode

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Change your Student Portal Passcode

Affected services

Refer to the Account Map to see which services use your Student Portal.

If you forgot your username, passcode, or login reset questions

  1. Email helpdesk@clarkssummitu.edu, including:
    1. Your first and last legal name
    2. A request to reset your Student Portal
  2. A form will be sent to you to verify your identity.
  3. Once the reply is received and verified a reset will be issued to your email.

If you forgot your passcode

  1. Navigate to https://portal.clarkssummitu.edu/.
  2. Click Student Portal Homepage.
  3. Click Forgot your password?.
  4. Enter your username and email address into the form.
  5. Answer all password reset questions.
  6. Click Submit.

If you know your passcode

  1. Navigate to https://portal.clarkssummitu.edu/.
  2. Click Student Portal Homepage.
  3. Login with your Student Portal credentials.
  4. Click Change Password in the menu bar.
  5. Enter your old password.
  6. Enter and confirm your new password.
  7. Click Change Password.

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