Development Income – Daily Batch
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Development Income – Daily Batch
The process for the development batch is nearly the same as other misc. income receipts only the checks are entered immediately after they are personally handed to you by a Development staff member who has made copies of the checks beforehand. The only other difference is the AR clerk completes a separate Development Income Receipt after the checks are totaled.
- Checks are stored in a separate basket near the desk.
- A Development staff member will come down to copy the checks.
- Total the checks after they give them to you (keep the tape).
- Complete a Development Income Receipt and give it to the staff member.
- Enter a single batch under Misc. Receipts in CVue. No description is needed unless it's a special event (always use the 4210 as the acct.#).
Recurring Payments
Certain donors have requested to make a recurring monthly donation by credit card. Development will bring a folder to you with the information needed and you would enter the payments directly into Paypal via the virtual terminal of Paypal Manager.
, multiple selections available,