G5 Drawdown Requests

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G5 Drawdown Requests

Institutions receive federal financial aid funds from a federal bank account called G5. The funds must be requested. The Financial Aid Department determines how much must be requested and creates a corresponding financial aid batch which the Director Accounting will post after the funds are received. You will receive an email from Financial Aid requesting the funds to draw.

  1. Log in at www.g5.gov.
  2. Go to "Payments," then "Create Payments"
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Find the fund source for which you need to draw down funds (make sure to you're on the correct year). Enter the dollar amount requested from Financial Aid.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Double check the amount, then "Submit." DO NOT CLICK DONE.
  7. Print the confirmation page to PDF and save in the appropriate financial aid folder on the shared drive. Then click "Done."
  8. Save the confirmation email sent by G5 in an Outlook folder.