End of Day Balancing
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End of Day Balancing
At the end of the day the total of all checks and cash received should equal the total amount of cash and checks on the Bank Deposit Report. If they don't, something was not entered into Campus Vue. The cash drawer should also total $800. You can begin balancing any time after 3:00 PM, but if possible, it is best to wait until 4:00 PM in the event of last minute receipts. Some days take longer to balance than others. Plan accordingly.
- Total up the checks from the day's transactions. Total any cashed checks separately. Keep the tapes.
- Total up the cash.
- Enter a misc. cash receipt in Campus Vue for the cashed checks. Use the Vending account #.
- Campus Vue – Daily – Student Accounts – Bank Deposits.
- Enter today's dates and choose Wayne Bank.
- Print.
- Compare your totals to the totals on the Bank Deposit Report. Remember, if you entered a cash receipt for checks cashes, your cash total will include those checks. Disregard any "Non-Cash" and EFT amounts.
- If the totals match, print the bank deposit report.
- MAKE SURE YOU'VE PRINTED THE REPORT FIRST. Click Next in Campus Vue, then Finish.
- If you cashed checks from your drawer, replenish the drawer with money from vending.
- Total the cash in the drawer. Print the tape, initial and date it. Put the drawer in the safe for the night.
- Scan the checks (see instructions below).
- Fill out a deposit slip for the cash and put the cash and slip in a Wayne Bank bag. Put it in the safe for the night.
- Put your box and any other loose checks in the safe for the night. Lock the safe.